Most-advanced Inkjet research is realized by a desktop-size equipment.
Desktop Inkjet drawing equipment LabJet series
Product information
LabJet series mounts high-spec single nozzle head which can dispense purified water and high-viscosity fluids as well as various fluid materials for electronic devices and bio, and realizes highly-accurate pattern-drawing, spotting and dispensing. The configuration of the equipment is simple and easy to handle. Also, newly-developed IntelliJet function, which automatically optimizes complicated waveform adjustment, and the new disposable PipeJet head can be mounted as options. This all-in-one model can develop fluid materials as well as to prototype various electronic devices and biochips.
- Production of high-resolution device by dispensing ultralow volume in picoliter through nanoliter and highly-accurate alignment
- Possible to apply fluids with high viscosity and high surface tension as well as particle turbid solution that are hard to dispense by typical heads
- Possible to mount Glass Jet head with high fluid proof and disposable Pipe Jet head simultaneously
- Triple roles in one device: dispensing, spotting and patterning
- Observation by enlarging drawing condition and drawing objects on working place
- Monitoring of droplet dispensing condition by droplet observation camera
- Dispensing and spotting of cells, protein, anti-body, DNA, enzyme and reagent
- Production of various biochips and biosensors
- Trial production of various electronic devices
- Circuit patterning with nanometal ink
- Liquid injection into microwells, μ-TAS, fluidic devices and micro holes
- Development and evaluation of inkjet fluid materials

※Product spec. can be modified without notice. Please contact us for details.
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Company profile
MICROJET Corporation
■ Head Office
79-2 Daimon5ban-cho, Shiojiri-shi,
Nagano 399-0732 Japan
■ Tokyo Office
Ozaki Bldg. 2F,3-11-17 Minamicho,
Kokubunji-shi,Tokyo,185-0021 JAPAN
Tel 81-42-401-2700
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